ODKAZ: https://www.skoleni-kurzy.eu/kurz-50707

Kurz: C/Side Solution Development in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 (MOC80437)

PC-DIR Real, s.r.o.

Tento pětidenní kurz provede studenty simulovaným implementačním projektem, jehož cílem je přizpůsobení prostředí Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 tak, aby vyhovovalo požadavkům zákazníka. Vysvětluje standardní aplikační koncepty a poskytuje náhled na nejdůležitější procesy v Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, včetně dokumentace, ladění aplikací a integrace vlastností. * Module 1: Data and Process Model This module explains the standard application functionality in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 and it discusses the importance of following the same standards in all customizations. Lessons Table Types and Characteristics Standard Data Model Standard Process Model Module 2: Master Tables and Pages This module explains what is involved in solution development to meet customer requirements. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Participants Instructors and Rooms Seminars Module 3: Documents This module explains the purpose and benefits in using documents to enter transactions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Registrations Reviewing the Table Code Module 4: Posting This module explains the posting routine. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Posting Seminar Registrations Module 5: Feature Integration This module explains the integration of custom features into standard functionality to provide a seamless and familiar experience to the users. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Seminar Feature Integration Navigate Integration Module 6: Reporting This module explains reporting principles. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Reporting Lab Overview Participant List Reporting Invoice Posting Batch Job Module 7: Statistics This module explains the different types of statistics in the standard application. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Seminar Statistics Module 8: Dimensions This module explains the importance of dimensions and their use throughout the standard application and accompany all transactional data and process. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Integrating Seminar Management with Dimensions Module 9: Role Tailoring This module explains the importance of user roles and profiles in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Seminar Manager Role Center MenuSuite Object Type Seminar Management Department Page Module 10: Interfaces This module explains how interfacing with features or applications outside Microsoft Dynamics NAV is a frequent requirement. It also describes the different types of interfacing features that are present in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge E Confirmation Module 11: Web Services This module explains what web services are and how they are used in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Registration Web Service Module 12: Testing and Debugging This module explains testing practices and presents the test-driven development (TDD) approach followed by Microsoft. Lessons Prerequisite Knowledge Testing Seminar Management Debugging Module 13: Optimizing for SQL Server This module explains the SQL Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. Lessons SQL Server for Microsoft Dynamic ...

Cena kurzu:
     ...   51.450 Kč / Kurz  

     ... včetně DPH: 62.255 Kč / Kurz

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  • Účastník kurzu obdrží certifikát

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  • Podobný kurz     Praha  
    (??)   Trimble SketchUp – workshop dynamické komponenty - NICOM, a.s.

    - ... cena: 2.190 CZK /Kurz (2.650 CZK /Kurz včetně DPH)

  • Podobný kurz     Brno - Jihomoravský  
    (??)   Trimble SketchUp – workshop dynamické komponenty - NICOM, a.s.

    - ... cena: 2.190 CZK CZK/Kurz (2.650 CZK CZK/Kurz včetně DPH) ...Jiná měna platby za kurz : CZK CZK/Kurz

  • Podobný kurz     Praha,Ostrava - Moravskoslezský  
    (??)   Kurz Microsoft SQL Server 2012-2019 Analysis Services - David Solnař

    - ... cena: 12.000 Kč/kurz bez DPH a/nebo cena je osvobozena od DPH

  • Podobný kurz     Praha,Ostrava - Moravskoslezský  
    (??)   Kurz Microsoft SQL Server 2012-2019 - pokročilé dotazování v jazyce T-SQL - David Solnař

    - ... cena: 9.000 Kč/kurz bez DPH a/nebo cena je osvobozena od DPH

  • Podobný kurz     Praha,Ostrava - Moravskoslezský  
    (??)   Kurz Microsoft SQL Server 2012-2019 - pokročilé dotazování v jazyce T-SQL - David Solnař

    - ... cena: 9.000 Kč/kurz bez DPH a/nebo cena je osvobozena od DPH

  • Podobný kurz     Praha,Ostrava - Moravskoslezský  
    (??)   Kurz Microsoft SQL Server 2012-2019 Analysis Services - David Solnař

    - ... cena: 12.000 Kč/kurz bez DPH a/nebo cena je osvobozena od DPH

  • Podobný kurz     Praha,Ostrava - Moravskoslezský  
    (??)   Kurz Microsoft SQL Server 2012-2019 Analysis Services - David Solnař

    - ... cena: 12.000 Kč/kurz bez DPH a/nebo cena je osvobozena od DPH

  • -- ... pro objednání kurzu klikněte na zvolený termín školení a/nebo je možno poslat:

    Popis kurzu
    C/Side Solution Development in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 (MOC80437) - s certifikátem

    Lektoři kurzu

    Lektoři z firmy: PC-DIR Real, s.r.o.

    [Kurz] Obsah kurzu/školení...

    Module 1: Data and Process Model
    This module explains the standard application functionality in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 and it discusses the importance of following the same standards in all customizations.
    Table Types and Characteristics
    Standard Data Model
    Standard Process Model
    Module 2: Master Tables and Pages
    This module explains what is involved in solution development to meet customer requirements.
    Prerequisite Knowledge
    Instructors and Rooms
    Module 3: Documents
    This module explains the purpose and benefits in using documents to enter transactions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.
    Prerequisite Knowledge
    Reviewing the Table Code
    Module 4: Posting
    This module explains the posting routine.
    Prerequisite Knowledge
    Posting Seminar Registrations
    Module 5: Feature Integration
    This module explains the integration of custom features into standard functionality to provide a seamless and familiar experience to the users.
    Prerequisite Knowledge
    Seminar Feature Integration
    Navigate Integration
    Module 6: Reporting
    This module explains reporting principles.
    Prerequisite Knowledge
    Reporting Lab Overview
    Participant List Reporting
    Invoice Posting Batch Job
    Module 7: Statistics
    This module explains the different types of statistics in the standard application.
    Prerequisite Knowledge
    Seminar Statistics
    Module 8: Dimensions
    This module explains the importance of dimensions and their use throughout the standard application and accompany all transactional data and process.
    Prerequisite Knowledge
    Integrating Seminar Management with Dimensions
    Module 9: Role Tailoring
    This module explains the importance of user roles and profiles in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.
    Prerequisite Knowledge
    Seminar Manager Role Center
    MenuSuite Object Type
    Seminar Management Department Page
    Module 10: Interfaces
    This module explains how interfacing with features or applications outside Microsoft Dynamics NAV is a frequent requirement. It also describes the different types of interfacing features that are present in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
    Prerequisite Knowledge
    E Confirmation
    Module 11: Web Services
    This module explains what web services are and how they are used in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.
    Prerequisite Knowledge
    Registration Web Service
    Module 12: Testing and Debugging
    This module explains testing practices and presents the test-driven development (TDD) approach followed by Microsoft.
    Prerequisite Knowledge
    Testing Seminar Management
    Module 13: Optimizing for SQL Server
    This module explains the SQL Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.
    SQL Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    Representation of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Tables and Indexes in SQL Server
    Collation Options
    SQL Server Query Optimizer
    Optimizing a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application
    Data Access Redesign
    C/AL Database Functions and Performance on SQL Server
    Bulk Inserts
    Locking, Blocking, and Deadlocks
    SIFT Data Storage in SQL Server
    SQL Server Profiler
    Module 14: Appendix
    This module contains reference information about the case study that is implemented throughout the course.
    CRONUS International Ltd.
    Functional Requirements
    Content Structure
    Lab : Function Testing
    Function Testing: Master Tables and Pages
    Function Testing: Documents
    Function Testing: Posting
    Function Testing: Feature Integration
    Function Testing: Dimensions
    Function Testing: RoleTailoring

    [Kurz] Cíl školení / poznámka ke kurzu...

    Tento pětidenní kurz provede studenty simulovaným implementačním projektem, jehož cílem je přizpůsobení prostředí Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 tak, aby vyhovovalo požadavkům zákazníka. Vysvětluje standardní aplikační koncepty a poskytuje náhled na nejdůležitější procesy v Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, včetně dokumentace, ladění aplikací a integrace vlastností.

    ODKAZ: https://www.skoleni-kurzy.eu/kurz-50707

    Poslední aktualizace: 2021-12-01 17:31:09

    PC-DIR Real, s.r.o.