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Základy daní pro praxi online kurz - Centrum služeb pro podnikání s.r.o.
Cíle kurzu : V tomto online kurzu se seznámíte se základními daňovými předpisy ČR. Budete se věnovat zákonům z oblasti daní, problematice DPH, dani z příjmu fyzických i právnických osob, dani silniční.





Viz také následující kurzy :
  • Finanční ředitel jeho role a odpovědnostiPodrobnosti
  • LS520 - Red Hat Learning Subscription PremiumPodrobnosti
  • LS220 - Red Hat Learning Subscription StandardPodrobnosti
  • LS120 - Red Hat Learning Subscription BasicPodrobnosti
  • RH358 - Red Hat Services Management and AutomationPodrobnosti

Program kurzu: red

[Školení] LS300 - Red Hat Learning Subscription for Developers

LS300 -  Red Hat Learning Subscription for DevelopersRed Hat Learning Subscription Developer was designed with developers in mind. A single, annual subscription delivers access to all Red Hat Training courses for developers, including content on Red Hat OpenShift ® , Red Hat Middleware , and containers. ... ... ... Red Hat Learning Subscription Developer was designed with developers in mind. A single, annual subscription delivers access to all Red Hat Training courses for developers, including content on Red Hat OpenShift ® , Red Hat Middleware , and containers. ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-04-28 Praha 7

[Školení] LS120 - Red Hat Learning Subscription Basic

LS120 -  Red Hat Learning Subscription BasicRed Hat® Learning Subscription is an exclusive program that provides you with one year s access to all Red Hat Online Learning courses . You will receive unlimited access to our online learning content, up to 400 hours of hands-on lab time, and more than 300 recorded instructor videos. ... ... ... Red Hat® Learning Subscription is an exclusive program that provides you with one year s access to all Red Hat Online Learning courses . You will receive unlimited access to our online learning content, up to 400 hours of hands-on lab time, and more than 300 recorded instructor videos. ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-04-28 Praha 7

[Školení] RHLS - Red Hat Learning Subscription Free Trial

RHLS -  Red Hat Learning Subscription Free TrialRHLS FREE TRIAL OVERVIEW Red Hat Learning Subscription is an on-demand, prescriptive solution for keeping pace with Red Hat technologies. Customers can take advantage of a free trial to get a preview of the portal and get an idea of what to expect from the features and the catalog. ... ... ... RHLS FREE TRIAL OVERVIEW Red Hat Learning Subscription is an on-demand, prescriptive solution for keeping pace with Red Hat technologies. Customers can take advantage of a free trial to get a preview of the portal and get an idea of what to expect from the features and the catalog. ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-04-28 Praha 7

[Školení] LS220 - Red Hat Learning Subscription Standard

LS220 -  Red Hat Learning Subscription StandardRed Hat® Learning Subscription provides access to all Red Hat online training content in a single, annual subscription . The subscription includes on-demand, self-paced learning resources—such as videos, e-books, hands-on labs, exams, and technical support—with access to all Red Hat products and ... ... ... . With the new portal, you can take control of your learning paths and build them to meet your business and training needs. ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-04-28 Praha 7

[Školení] LS520 - Red Hat Learning Subscription Premium

LS520 -  Red Hat Learning Subscription PremiumWhat is the difference between RHLS Standard and Premium: additionally to all the features that are included in Standard Subscription, RHLS Premium contains instructor-led live courses. Live courses are the most valued form of training, as the participants can interact in the group and ask question ... ... ... What is the difference between RHLS Standard and Premium: additionally to all the features that are included in Standard Subscription, RHLS Premium contains instructor-led live courses. Live courses are the most valued form of training, as the participants can interact in the group and ask questio ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-04-28 Praha 7

[Školení] DO313 - Red Hat Single Sign-On Administration

DO313 -  Red Hat Single Sign-On AdministrationIntroduction to configuring and managing Red Hat Single Sign-On for authenticating and authorizing applications Red Hat Single Sign-On Administration (DO313) is designed for system administrators who want to install, configure and manage Red Hat Single Sign-On servers for securing applications. Lea ... ... ... for this course System Administrators responsible for administering Red Hat Single Sign-On servers. Recommended training Take our free assessment to gauge whether this offering is the best fit for your skills. ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-04-29 Praha 7

[Školení] DO322 - Red Hat OpenShift Installation Lab

DO322 -  Red Hat OpenShift Installation LabPlease note: Students are strongly advised to complete Red Hat OpenShift Administration II: Operating a Production Kubernetes Cluster (DO280) as a prerequisite before taking this OpenShift Installation Lab Installing OpenShift on a cloud, virtual, or physical infrastructure. Red Hat OpenShift Ins ... Audience: Cluster administrators (Junior systems administrators, junior cloud administrators) interested in deploying additional clusters to meet increasing demands from their organizations. Cluster engineers (Senior systems administrators, senior cloud administrators, cloud engineers) int ... ... : Cluster administrators (Junior systems administrators, junior cloud administrators) interested in deploying additional clusters to meet increasing demands from their organizations. Cluster engineers (Senior systems administrators, senior cloud administrators, cloud engineers) interested ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-05-06 Praha 7

[Školení] CL210 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration II: Day 2 Operations for Cloud Operators

CL210 -  Red Hat OpenStack Administration II: Day 2 Operations for Cloud OperatorsThis course teaches system administrators how to implement a cloud-computing environment using Red Hat ® Enterprise Linux ® OpenStack Platform , including installation, configuration, and maintenance. This course can also help you prepare for the EX210 - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Cloud Inf ... Audience This course is designed for Linux system administrators, cloud administrators, and cloud operators. ... Goals Install services of Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack ® Platform ... Goals Install services of Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack ® Platform * Install services of Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack ® Platform Outline Launch instances Manage core OpenStack services using the unified command-line interface Install an advanced proof-of- ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-05-13 Praha 7

[Školení] DO378 - Red Hat Cloud-native Microservices Development with Quarkus

DO378 -  Red Hat Cloud-native Microservices Development with QuarkusDevelop microservice-based applications with Quarkus and OpenShift. Many enterprises are looking for a way to take advantage of cloud-native architectures, but many do not know the best approach. ... Audience: This course is designed for application developers. ... ... : This course is designed for application developers. Outline: Deploy microservice applications on Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform. ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-05-13 Praha 7

[Školení] DO457 - Network Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

DO457 -  Network Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation PlatformAnsible for Network Automation (DO457) is designed for network administrators or infrastructure automation engineers who want to use network automation to centrally manage the switches, routers, and other devices in the organization s network infrastructure. This course is based on Red Hat ® Ansibl ... Audience This course is designed for network administrators, network automation engineers, and infrastructure automation engineers who want to lea> how to use Ansible to automate the administration, deployment, and configuration management of the network infrastructure of their organization or enter ... ... This course is designed for network administrators, network automation engineers, and infrastructure automation engineers who want to lea> how to use Ansible to automate the administration, deployment, and configuration management of the network infrastructure of their organization or enterprise. ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-05-13 Praha 7

[Školení] DO400 - Red Hat DevOps Pipelines and Processes: CI - CD with Jenkins, Git, and Test Driven Development

DO400 -  Red Hat DevOps Pipelines and Processes: CI - CD with Jenkins, Git, and Test Driven DevelopmentBuild essential skills to implement agile and DevOps development processes and workflows. DevOps practices have enabled organizations to undergo a digital transformation, moving from a monolithic waterfall approach to a rapidly deploying cloud-based agile process. ... Audience: This course is designed for application developers. ... ... : This course is designed for application developers. Outline: Version control with Git Build and execute Jenkins pipelines Release strategies Build applications with Test Driven Development Security scanning and code analysis of applications Monitor applications and pipeline ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-05-13 Praha 7

[Školení] Redaktor-junior # pro redaktory různých médií

Redaktor-junior # pro redaktory různých médiíMožná chcete pracovat jako redaktor - ať už v televizi, rozhlase, nebo v nakladatelství - ale nestudovali jste žurnalistiku a nemáte čas ji studovat, protože chcete s touto prací začít co nejrychleji. Dobrou volbou je náš intenzivní kurz. ... Kurz je určen pro zájemce o profesi redaktora. Pro nováčky základy pro zvládnutí profese novináře, pro již píšící autory praktické rady a vychytávky, které se vždy hodí, neboť člověk se učí celý život. ... ... Ať už jste se s psaním v praxi setkali, nebo si jen píšete takzvaně do šuplíku, bude se vám určitě hodit to, co kurz nabízí - spousta ověřených rad i praktických zkušeností, díky nimž si ušetříte námahu vlastního poznávání a také budete mít konfrontační možnost zjistit, jak na tom jste. C ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-05-15 Velké Němčice

[Školení] Jak na tvůrčí psaní III # pro autory, redaktory, učitele češtiny

Jak na tvůrčí psaní III # pro autory, redaktory, učitele češtinyTřetí část komplexního kurzu pro autory. Celý kurz je založen na nové publikaci stejného názvu - Jak na tvůrčí psaní [vydal C-Press, nakladatelský dům Albatros, 2022]. ... autory - začínající, ale i ty, kteří už se psaním mají zkušenosti redaktory učitele češtiny ... ... Závěrečná, třetí část rozsáhlého kurzu se věnuje komplikovaným oblastem české gramatiky a syntaxe, učí základy typografie a ukazuje, jak můžete všechno, co jste se zatím v kurzu naučili, použít při tvorbě komerčních textů, zejména propagačních. Dále kurz zprostředkovává praktické informace, kt ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-05-15 Velké Němčice

[Školení] Jak na tvůrčí psaní I. - technika psaní # pro autory, redaktory, učitele češtiny

Jak na tvůrčí psaní I. -  technika psaní # pro autory, redaktory, učitele češtinyTento kurz je zaměřen na praxi, na výsledek, budete se v něm učit TECHNICE tvůrčího psaní kterou používají spisovatelé. Pokud hledáte pro svou tvorbu inspiraci či umělecké vyžití, není tento kurz pro Vás. ... Kurz je určen autorům, kteří mají hlavu i srdce plné myšlenek a nápadů, mají tisíc chutí psát, ale chtějí tvořit opravdu dobře, profesionálně – a je jim jasné, že pro to potřebují nějakou průpravu. Někteří z nich mají rozpracovaný rukopis, a tak se budou chtít ujistit, že jejich cit pro p ... ... Cílem kurzu je pomoci autorům, aby se příjemnou formou zdokonalili v technice psaní: aby byli „doma“ v budování příběhu, uměli pracovat s jednotlivými postavami, aby s lehkostí vytvářeli živé, napínavé a věrohodné dialogy a ovládali ještě spoustu dalších dovedností, které jsou pro kvalitní tvorbu n ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-05-15 Velké Němčice

[Školení] Jak na tvůrčí psaní II # pro autory, redaktory, učitele češtiny

Jak na tvůrčí psaní II # pro autory, redaktory, učitele češtinyTento kurz navazuje na kurz Jak na tvůrčí psaní I. ... autory - začínající, ale může oslovit i autory, kteří už mají nějaké zkušenosti s psaním redaktory učitele češtiny ... ... Také druhá série lekcí je zaměřena na řemeslnou stránku psaní, zabývá se jednotlivými literárními a žurnalistickými žánry. Budete se v něm věnovat klasickým žánrům, jako je román nebo fejeton, ale také modernějším specialitkám, jako jsou komiksy nebo fanfikce. ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-05-15 Velké Němčice

[Školení] DO316 - Managing Virtual Machines with Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization

DO316 -  Managing Virtual Machines with Red Hat OpenShift VirtualizationCreate and manage virtual machines on OpenShift using the Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization operator Managing Virtual Machines with OpenShift Virtualization teaches the essential skills required to create and manage virtual machines (VM) on OpenShift using the Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization operato ... Audience: Virtual Machine Administrators interested in moving virtualized workloads from traditional Hypervisors to OpenShift Virtualization. Kubernetes Administrators (Cluster Administrators, Clusters Engineers) interested in supporting containerized and virtualized workloads in the same ... ... : Virtual Machine Administrators interested in moving virtualized workloads from traditional Hypervisors to OpenShift Virtualization. Kubernetes Administrators (Cluster Administrators, Clusters Engineers) interested in supporting containerized and virtualized workloads in the same OpenShif ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-05-21 Praha 7

[Školení] DO467 - Managing Enterprise Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

DO467 -  Managing Enterprise Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation PlatformManage complex Red Hat Ansible automation workflows at scale and prevent single points of failure. Managing Enterprise Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (DO467) is for experienced Ansible automation engineers, DevOps practitioners, and Linux system administrators seeking to depl ... ... ... This course is designed for users who need to provide, manage, and maintain Ansible automation infrastructure for their organizations, including these roles: Ansible automation engineers and architects. Linux system administrators supporting automation operations. ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-05-27 Praha 7

[Školení] RH342 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

RH342 -  Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and TroubleshootingThe Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting course (RH342) provides system administrators with the tools and techniques they need to successfully diagnose, and fix, a variety of potential issues. Students will work through hands-on problems in various subsystems to diagnose and fix ... Audience The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting course is aimed at senior system administrators who wish to lea> more about troubleshooting. ... Goals Students will lea> how to apply the scientific method to a structured form of troubleshooting. This approach is then used troubleshooting various types of problems, including boot issues, hardware issues, storage issues, RPM issues, network issues, third-party application issues, security iss ... Goals Students will lea> how to apply the scientific method to a structured form of troubleshooting. This approach is then used troubleshooting various types of problems, including boot issues, hardware issues, storage issues, RPM issues, network issues, third-party application issues, security iss ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-05-27 Praha 7

[Školení] DO328 - Building Resilient Microservices with Istio and Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh

DO328 -  Building Resilient Microservices with Istio and Red Hat OpenShift Service MeshControl, manage, trace, monitor, and test your microservices with Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh Building Resilient Microservices with Istio and Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh (DO328) teaches students installation, service monitoring, service management, and service resilience of Red Hat OpenShift® ... Audience: This course is designed for developers who want to deploy and scale microservices applications. ... ... : This course is designed for developers who want to deploy and scale microservices applications. Outline: Install Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh on an OpenShift cluster. ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-05-29 Praha 7

[Školení] RH358 - Red Hat Services Management and Automation

RH358 -  Red Hat Services Management and AutomationLea> how to configure, manage, and scale key services used in the data center Red Hat Services Management and Automation (RH358) is designed for IT professionals with some experience managing Linux® systems and want to lea> more about how to manage and deploy network services included with Red Hat® ... Audience Linux system administrators, site reliability engineers, and other IT professionals with some Ansible experience who are interested in learning how to manage and automate the deployment, configuration, and operation of key network services included with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. ... ... Linux system administrators, site reliability engineers, and other IT professionals with some Ansible experience who are interested in learning how to manage and automate the deployment, configuration, and operation of key network services included with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. Outline P ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-05-29 Praha 7

Doporučené související školení/kurzy : red

Viz také následující kurzy :
  • Finanční ředitel jeho role a odpovědnostiPodrobnosti
  • LS520 - Red Hat Learning Subscription PremiumPodrobnosti
  • LS220 - Red Hat Learning Subscription StandardPodrobnosti
  • LS120 - Red Hat Learning Subscription BasicPodrobnosti
  • RH358 - Red Hat Services Management and AutomationPodrobnosti
  • LS300 - Red Hat Learning Subscription for DevelopersPodrobnosti
  • CL210 - Red Hat OpenStack Administration II: Day 2 Operations for Cloud OperatorsPodrobnosti
  • DO400 - Red Hat DevOps Pipelines and Processes: CI - CD with Jenkins, Git, and Test Driven DevelopmentPodrobnosti
  • DO378 - Red Hat Cloud-native Microservices Development with QuarkusPodrobnosti
  • DO457 - Network Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation PlatformPodrobnosti

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Email: info[at]skoleni-kurzy.eu
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Školení: Ansible hromadná automatizovaná správa serverůAnsible IT Automation v květnu 2024 - Brno