ODKAZ: https://www.skoleni-kurzy.eu/kurz-87888

Kurz: DO283 - Red Hat Application Development II: Implementing Microservice Architectures

DataScript s.r.o.

Develop microservice-based applications in Java EE with MicroProfile and OpenShift Building on AD183 Red Hat Aplication Development I: Programming in Java EE , the introductory course for Java EE application development, Red Hat Application Development II: Implementing Microservice Architectures (DO283) emphasizes learning architectural principles and implementing microservices in Java EE, primarily based on MicroProfile with WildFly Swarm and OpenShift. This course is based on Red Hat® Ent ...

Cena kurzu:
     ...   2.180 EUR / Kurz  

     ... včetně DPH: 2.638 EUR / Kurz

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    Popis kurzu
    DO283 - Red Hat Application Development II: Implementing Microservice Architectures

    Kurz je určen pro ...

    Audience This course is designed for Java developers.

    Lektoři kurzu

    Lektoři z firmy: DataScript s.r.o.

    [Kurz] Program kurzu (obsah přednášky/semináře/rekvalifikace/studia) ...

    Goals As a result of attending this course, you will understand how to develop, monitor, test, and deploy microservice-based Java EE applications using Wildfly Swarm and Red Hat OpenShift. You should be able to demonstrate these skills:

    • Design a microservices-based architecture for an enterprise application.
    • Implement fault tolerance and health checks for microservices.
    • Secure microservices to prevent unauthorized access.

    * As a result of attending this course, you will understand how to develop, monitor, test, and deploy microservice-based Java EE applications using Wildfly Swarm and Red Hat OpenShift. You should be able to demonstrate these skills:
    • Design a microservices-based architecture for an enterprise application.
    • Implement fault tolerance and health checks for microservices.
    • Secure microservices to prevent unauthorized access.

    • Deploy and monitor microservice-based applications.
    • Implement a microservice with MicroProfile.
    • Implement unit and integration tests for microservices.
    • Use the config specification to inject data into a microservice.
    • Create a health check for a microservice.
    • Implement fault tolerance in a microservice.
    • Secure a microservice using the JSON Web Token (JWT) specification.
    See the complete course outline here.
    Prerequisites for this course
    • Attend Introduction to OpenShift Applications (DO101) or demonstrate equivalent experience
    • Attend AD183 Red Hat Aplication Development I: Programming in Java EE
      or demonstrate equivalent experience
    • Be proficient in using an integrated development environment such as Red Hat® Developer Studio or Eclipse
    • Experience with Maven is recommended, but not required

    Following courses
    • Red Hat Certified Enterprise Microservices Developer Exam (EX283)
    • Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift (DO180)
      • Highly recommended for those who don’t have OpenShift experience

    • Red Hat OpenShift Development I: Containerizing Applications (DO288)
    See Microservices Developer learning path here .

    [Kurz] Cíl školení / poznámka ke kurzu...

    Goals As a result of attending this course, you will understand how to develop, monitor, test, and deploy microservice-based Java EE applications using Wildfly Swarm and Red Hat OpenShift. You should be able to demonstrate these skills:
    • Design a microservices-based architecture for an enterprise application.
    • Implement fault tolerance and health checks for microservices.
    • Secure microservices to prevent unauthorized access.

    [Školení] Další popis kurzu (úroveň, minimální znalosti, informace o cenách kurzu) ...

    Prerequisites for this course

    • Attend Introduction to OpenShift Applications (DO101) or demonstrate equivalent experience
    • Attend AD183 Red Hat Aplication Development I: Programming in Java EE
      or demonstrate equivalent experience
    • Be proficient in using an integrated development environment such as Red Hat® Developer Studio or Eclipse
    • Experience with Maven is recommended, but not required

    Following courses
    • Red Hat Certified Enterprise Microservices Developer Exam (EX283)
    • Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift (DO180)
      • Highly recommended for those who don’t have OpenShift experience

    • Red Hat OpenShift Development I: Containerizing Applications (DO288)
    See Microservices Developer learning path here .

    ODKAZ: https://www.skoleni-kurzy.eu/kurz-87888

    Poslední aktualizace: 2024-04-25 00:41:47

    DataScript s.r.o.