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Ad364 developing application business rules with red hat decision manager | do 10 dnů | do 30 dnů


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Hledáno v názvu kurzu/školení: ad364 developing application business rules with red hat decision manager

Počet nalezených kurzů : 663

Kurzy : << | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7| >>

EX294 - red hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam for red hat Enterprise Linux 8

Study points for the exam As an RHCE exam candidate, you should be able to handle all responsibilities expected of a red hat Certified System Administrator, including these tasks: Be able to perform all tasks expected of a red hat Certified System Administrator Understand and use essential tools Operate running systems Configure local storage Create and configure file systems Deploy, configure, and maintain systems manage users and groups manage security Understand core components of Ansible Inventories Modules Variables Facts Plays Playbooks Configuration files Install and configure an Ansible control node Install required packages Create a static host inventory file Create a configuration file Configure Ansible managed nodes Create and distribute SSH keys to managed nodes Configure privilege escalatio * Experienced red hat Enterprise Linux system administrators seeking validation of their skills or require a certification either by their organization or based on a mandate (DoD 8570 directive) Students who have taken red hat System Administration III: Linux Automation (RH294) and are on the path to becoming a red hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) Students who are on the path to becoming a red hat Certified Architect (RHCA) Systems administrators who want to demonstrate competency in managing multiple systems IT professionals who work in a DevOps environment and want to demonstrate competency in automating part of their workload red hat Certified Engineers who are noncurrent or who are about to become noncurrent and wish to recertify as RHCEs Study points for the exam As an RHCE exam candidate, you should be able to handle all responsibilities expected of a red hat Certified System Administrator, including these tasks: Be able to perform all tasks expected of a red hat Certified System Administrator Understand and use essential tools Operate running systems Configure local storage Create and configure file systems Deploy, configure, and maintain systems manage users and groups manage security Understand core components of Ansible Inventories Modules Variables Facts Plays Playbooks Configuration files Install and configure an Ansible control node Install required packages Create a static host inventory file Create a configuration file Configure Ansible managed nodes Create and distribute SSH keys to managed nodes Configure privilege escalation on managed nodes Validate a working configuration using ad hoc Ansible commands Script administration tasks Create simple shell scripts Create simple shell scripts that run ad hoc Ansible commands Create and use static inventories to define groups of hosts Create Ansible plays and playbooks Know how to work with commonly used Ansible modules Use variables to retrieve the results of running a command Use conditionals to control play execution Configure error handling Create playbooks to configure systems to a specified state Use Ansible modules for system administration tasks that work with: Software packages and repositories Services Firewall rules File systems Storage devices File content Archiving Scheduled tasks Security Users and groups Create and use templates to create customized configuration files Work with Ansible variables and facts Create and work with roles Download roles from an Ansible Galaxy and use them manage parallelism Use Ansible Vault in playbooks to protect sens ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

RH254 - red hat System Administration III: Data Center Services for red hat Enterprise Linux 7

U účastníků tohoto kurzu se předpokládají již pokročilé znalosti, a to nejlépe na úrovni stanovené obsahem kurzů RH134 - 135 či RH199 - 200. Cílem tréninku je rozvinout jejich znalosti a povýšit je až na úroveň red hat Certified Engineer (RHCE). Kurz se podrobněji se věnuje procesu instalace, konfigurace, řízení a zabezpečení zejména síťových služeb včetně DNS, Apache, SMTP a různých typů sdílení dat na síti - od NFS až po CIFS. Zahrnuje také obecnou problematiku bezpečnosti sítí a systémů, aute ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

DO374 - developing Advanced Automation with red hat Ansible Automation Platform

Advance your Ansible skills and develop automation that scales by applying recommended practices with the new, container focused tools from red hat Ansible Automation Platform developing Advanced Automation with red hat Ansible Automation Platform (DO374) is designed for automation content developers to leverage the new, container focused tools from red hat® Ansible Automation Platform to efficiently develop automation that can be managed by the automation controller. Lea> recommended practices ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

EX374 - red - hat Certified Specialist in developing Automation with Ansible Automation Platform exam

The red hat Certified Specialist in developing Automation with Ansible Automation Platform exam will be of interest to anyone seeking to demonstrate a broader knowledge and understanding of Ansible best practices, applying Ansible in larger and more complex projects, and using Ansible automation controller and Ansible automation hub including: ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

EX374 - red hat Certified Specialist in developing Automation with Ansible Automation Platform exam

The red hat Certified Specialist in developing Automation with Ansible Automation Platform exam will be of interest to anyone seeking to demonstrate a broader knowledge and understanding of Ansible best practices, applying Ansible in larger and more complex projects, and using Ansible automation controller and Ansible automation hub including: ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

EX374K - red hat Certified Specialist in developing Automation with Ansible Automation Platform exam

The red hat Certified Specialist in developing Automation with Ansible Automation Platform exam will be of interest to anyone seeking to demonstrate a broader knowledge and understanding of Ansible best practices, applying Ansible in larger and more complex projects, and using Ansible automation controller and Ansible automation hub including: ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

JB225 - red hat JBoss Enterprise application Development I

Lea> how to create, test, and maintain Java EE-compliant applications from start to finish using the Eclipse-based red hat® JBoss Developer Studio. Comprehensive lectures and extensive use-case, hands-on labs introduce you to enterprise application development using red hat JBoss Enterprise application Platform 6, Contexts and Dependency I, Arquillian, JBoss Hibernate, RESTEasy, HornetQ, and other related technologies to create a fully functional enterprise Java applicat ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

JB325 - red hat JBoss Enterprise application Development II

This hands-on, lab-based course challenges students by providing a deep dive into Java EE APIs and emerging JBoss development technologies. Students will use JBoss EAP, red hat JBoss Developer Studio, and Maven to build and deploy scalable applications that perform well and use advanced features with advanced development techniques. Newer technologies such as Arquillian for testing, Errai for Google Web Toolkit (GWT) web development, and RESTeasy for web services are cove ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

JB248 - red hat JBoss application Administration I

red hat JBoss® application Administration I teaches you the best practices for installing and configuring red hat® JBoss Enterprise application Platform (JBoss EAP) 7. Through hands-on labs, lea> the essential, real-world tasks that a system administrator needs to know to effectively deploy and manage applications on JBoss Enterprise application Platform. After completing this course, you should be prepared to take the red hat Certified JBoss Administration (RHCJA) exam. ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

JB348 - red hat JBoss application Administration II

red hat JBoss application Administration II (JB348) prepares students to provision and manage red hat JBoss Enterprise application Platform (JBoss EAP) in large-scale production environments. Intended for experienced administrators, this course provides a deeper understanding of how to work with JBoss EAP by taking a closer look at installation, clustering, deployments, scripting, management, messaging, and security with a view towards building on the skills established ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

JB226 - red hat JBoss Enterprise application Development I with exam

The red hat JBoss Enterprise application Development I with exam (JB226) bundle is a combination of the following: red hat JBoss Enterprise application Development I (JB225) course red hat JBoss Certified Developer exam (EX225) Below you will find a description of each component of the bundle. ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

Počet nalezených kurzů : 663

Kurzy : << | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7| >>
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Celkem nalezeno kurzů, školení a/nebo rekvalifikací : 663

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Seznam kurzůHledat kurzy po jednotlivých klíčových slovech:

| ad36| developi| applicati| busine| rule| wit| red| hat| decisi| manage
  • Hledáno: ad364 developing application business rules with red hat decision manager - kurz musí obsahovat všechna hledaná slova
  • Vyzkoušejte také: nové hledání kurzu: ad364 developing application business rules with red hat decision manager - můžete vybrat kurz ad364 developing application business rules with red hat decision manager - podle regionu, akreditace a nebo termínu školení: ad364 developing application business rules with red hat decision manager [NEW]


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