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Náhodný kurz/školení

Developing on AWS - DataScript s.r.o.
IT konference Kurzy a certifikace Amazon Web Services Developer Recenze - Developing on AWS Zpět Josef Brzák 4. 11.




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SLEVA 10 % na kurz MS Excel pro účetní a daňové poradce I - LastMinute' - Praha - - využít slevu lze pouze do 1.10.2024

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   Téma kurzu VIP Bar course
   Téma kurzu Stresový management Časový management Podpora managementu - asistenti, sekretářky
   Téma kurzu Management
   Téma kurzu Time management, řízení času, organizace pracovního dne
   Téma kurzu Organizační management
   Téma kurzu Office management a kurzy pro asistentky, sekretářky a recepční
   Téma kurzu Ekonomický management
   Téma kurzu Podpora managementu - asistenti, sekretářky
   Téma kurzu Účetnictví & Management & Řízení firem
   Téma kurzu Management a marketing
   Téma kurzu Time a stress management
   Téma kurzu komunikace, efektivni komunikace, asertivita, vedeni obchodniho jednani, vedeni teamu, komunikace - obtizne situace, komunikacni techniky, firemni komunikace, osobni rozvoj, kurzy pro management, komunikace s podrizneymi, komunikace s nadrizenymi
   Téma kurzu komunikace, efektivni komunikace, asertivita, konflikt, vedeni obchodniho jednani, zvládání konfliktu, vedeni teamu, komunikace - obtizne situace, komunikacni techniky, firemni komunikace, osobni rozvoj, kurzy pro management, komunikace s podrizneymi
   Téma kurzu projektový management
   Téma kurzu time management
   Téma kurzu Red Hat Enterprise Deployment, Virtualization and Systems Management
   Téma kurzu Time Management - organizace času

Hledáno ve školících firmách: or online course change or management

   SamoukSamouk (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   Online škola bytového designuOnline škola bytového designu (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   zlatko.czzlatko.cz (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   Welko Team s.r.o.Welko Team s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   Hacking kurzy hackerlabHacking kurzy hackerlab (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   TCC, s.r.o.TCC, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   Online marketingOnline marketing (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   Ing. Martin SovaIng. Martin Sova (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   Moderní škola češtiny a komunikaceModerní škola češtiny a komunikace (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   Centrum služeb pro podnikání s.r.o.Centrum služeb pro podnikání s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   BALIC,s.r.o.BALIC,s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   Skoleni, coaching, krizovy managementSkoleni, coaching, krizovy management (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   EmergenceEmergence (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   Školicí středisko ADMIS s.r.o.Školicí středisko ADMIS s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   SEMIS spol. s r.o.SEMIS spol. s r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   Mgr. Lucie BrožkováMgr. Lucie Brožková (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   Intellego - vzdělávací agenturaIntellego - vzdělávací agentura (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   Rekval, s.r.o.Rekval, s.r.o. (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   Jan VašekJan Vašek (odkaz na termíny kurzů)
   MILCONMILCON (odkaz na termíny kurzů)

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Hledáno v popisu kurzu/školení: or online course change or management

EX300 - Zkouška Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE)

Study points for the exam RHCE exam candidates should consult the RHCSA exam objectives and be capable of RHCSA-level tasks, as some of these skills may be required in order to meet RHCE exam objectives. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance through revisions to this document. RHCE exam candidates should be able to accomplish the following without assistance. These have been grouped into several categories. System configuration and management Use network teaming or bonding to configure aggregated network links between two Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems Configure IPv6 addresses and perform basic IPv6 troubleshooting Route IP traffic and create static routes Use firewalld and associated mechanisms such as rich rules, zones and custom rules, to implement packet filtering and configure network address translation (NAT) Use - proc - sys and sysctl to modify and set kernel runtime para * Experienced Linux IT professionals who currently have RHCSA certification and are interested in earning an RHCE certification Experienced Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators seeking validation of their skills Students who have attended the Red Hat System Administration I, II, and III courses or the RHCE Certification lab Experienced Linux system administrators who require a certification either by their organization or based on a mandate (DOD 8570 directive) An RHCE who is noncurrent and has passed the RHCSA exam Study points for the exam RHCE exam candidates should consult the RHCSA exam objectives and be capable of RHCSA-level tasks, as some of these skills may be required in order to meet RHCE exam objectives. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance through revisions to this document. RHCE exam candidates should be able to accomplish the following without assistance. These have been grouped into several categories. System configuration and management Use network teaming or bonding to configure aggregated network links between two Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems Configure IPv6 addresses and perform basic IPv6 troubleshooting Route IP traffic and create static routes Use firewalld and associated mechanisms such as rich rules, zones and custom rules, to implement packet filtering and configure network address translation (NAT) Use - proc - sys and sysctl to modify and set kernel runtime parameters Configure a system to authenticate using Kerberos Configure a system as either an iSCSI target or initiator that persistently mounts an iSCSI target Produce and deliver reports on system utilization (processor, memory, disk, and network) Use shell scripting to automate system maintenance tasks Network services Network services are an important subset of the exam objectives. RHCE candidates should be capable of meeting the following objectives for each of the network services listed below: Install the packages needed to provide the service Configure SELinux to support the service Use SELinux port labeling to allow services to use non-standard ports Configure the service to start when the system is booted Configure the service for basic operation Configure host-based and user-based security for the service HTTP - HTTPS Configure a virtual host Configure private directories Deploy a basic CGI application Configure group-managed content Configure TLS security DNS Configure a caching-only name server Troubleshoot DNS client issues NFS Provide network shares to specific clients Provide network shares suitable for group collaboration Use Kerberos to control access to NFS network shares SMB Provid ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

RH415 - Red Hat Security: Linux in Physical, Virtual, and Cloud

Red Hat Security: Linux in Physical, Virtual, and Cloud (RH415) is designed for security administrators and system administrators who need to manage the secure operation of servers running Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®, whether deployed on physical hardware, as virtual machines, or as cloud instances. This course is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5, Red Hat Satellite 6.3, Red Hat Ansible® Engine 2.5, Red Hat Ansible Tower 3.2, and Red Hat Insights. Maintaining security of computing systems is ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

RH354 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 New Features for Experienced Linux Administrators

This course will help prepare your staff to be ready for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 from day one, giving your organization a preview of the changes in the core Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system used by the applications, services, and other infrastructure in your data center. This preview will allow you to more effectively plan upgrades to and the rollout of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, and prepare you to quickly take advantage of new features and changes for your business and your use cas ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

DO457 - Red Hat Ansible for Network Automation

Ansible for Network Automation (DO457) is designed for network administrators or infrastructure automation engineers who want to use network automation to centrally manage the switches, routers, and other devices in the organization s network infrastructure. This course is based on Red Hat ® Ansible Engine 2.5 and Red Hat ® Ansible Tower 3.2. Lea> how to use Red Hat Ansible Automation for Networking to remotely automate configuration of network devices, test and validate the current network sta ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

DO457 - Network Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

Ansible for Network Automation (DO457) is designed for network administrators or infrastructure automation engineers who want to use network automation to centrally manage the switches, routers, and other devices in the organization s network infrastructure. This course is based on Red Hat ® Ansible Engine 2.5 and Red Hat ® Ansible Tower 3.2. Lea> how to use Red Hat Ansible Automation for Networking to remotely automate configuration of network devices, test and validate the current network sta ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

RH354VC - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 New Features for Experienced Linux Administrators

This course will help prepare your staff to be ready for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 from day one, giving your organization a preview of the changes in the core Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system used by the applications, services, and other infrastructure in your data center. This preview will allow you to more effectively plan upgrades to and the rollout of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, and prepare you to quickly take advantage of new features and changes for your business and your use cas ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

RH354SP - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 New Features for Experienced Linux Administrators

This course will help prepare your staff to be ready for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 from day one, giving your organization a preview of the changes in the core Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system used by the applications, services, and other infrastructure in your data center. This preview will allow you to more effectively plan upgrades to and the rollout of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, and prepare you to quickly take advantage of new features and changes for your business and your use cas ...

INFO:   Podrobnosti ke kurzu, školení - DataScript s.r.o.

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