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Kurzy # exec/js

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SharePoint pokročilé techniky a strategieSharePoint for Power Users - ICT Pro s.r.o. – Kurzy, školení, konzultace ICT a Soft Skills
SharePoint nabízí mnoho funkcí a možností, díky nimž můžete zlepšit efektivitu ve své organizaci a zvýšit její konkurenceschopnost. Využívejte tuto platformu ve větší míře díky porozumění jejím výhodám, kterými jsou: Centrální úložiště dat - veškerá potřebná dokumentace a další informace n




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Program kurzu: exec js

[Školení] Veritas Backup Exec 20: Administration

Veritas Backup Exec 20: AdministrationKurz Backup Exec Administration provede účastníky instalací a konfigurací, naučí vytvářet úlohy pro zálohování a obnovu, konfigurovat a spravovat úložiště a plánovat spouštění úloh. V druhé části školení se probírá tematika zálohování a obnova aplikačních serverů (Exchange, Sharepoint, SQL), řadičů ... Cílová skupina Kurz je určen pro systémové administrátory, inženýry, konzultanty, backup operátory a vůbec všechny pracovníky technické podpory, kteří jsou ve svých organizacích zodpovědní za návrh, provedení, optimalizaci a administraci Backup Exec. ... ... Po skončení kurzu by účastník měl být schopen: Popsat základní funkce Backup Exec Konfigurovat rozdílné typy úložišť pro použití s Backup Exec Spravovat média užívaná Backup Exec Vytvářet a konfigurovat úlohy zálohování, obnovy a správy Instalovat agenty pro zálohování a obnovu se ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-17 Praha 7

[Školení] DO374 - Developing Advanced Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

DO374 -  Developing Advanced Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation PlatformAdvance your Ansible skills and develop automation that scales by applying recommended practices with the new, container focused tools from Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Developing Advanced Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (DO374) is designed for automation content developer ... Audience This course is designed for users who create automation content, including these roles: Developers DevOps engineers Linux system administrators Other IT professionals with basic expertise using Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform to automate, provision, configure, and deploy ... ... This course is designed for users who create automation content, including these roles: Developers DevOps engineers Linux system administrators Other IT professionals with basic expertise using Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform to automate, provision, configure, and deploy applicati ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-05-13 Praha 7

[Školení] DO400 - Red Hat DevOps Pipelines and Processes: CI - CD with Jenkins, Git, and Test Driven Development

DO400 -  Red Hat DevOps Pipelines and Processes: CI - CD with Jenkins, Git, and Test Driven DevelopmentBuild essential skills to implement agile and DevOps development processes and workflows. DevOps practices have enabled organizations to undergo a digital transformation, moving from a monolithic waterfall approach to a rapidly deploying cloud-based agile process. ... Audience: This course is designed for application developers. ... ... : This course is designed for application developers. Outline: Version control with Git Build and execute Jenkins pipelines Release strategies Build applications with Test Driven Development Security scanning and code analysis of applications Monitor applications and pipeline ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-05-13 Praha 7

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Kurz Termíny školení Místo konání kurzu Podobné kurzy Popis kurzu Témata kurzu
Veritas Backup Exec 20: Administration 17.06.2024 Praha 7 Podobné kurzy Kurz Backup Exec Administration provede účastníky instalací a konfigurací, naučí vytvářet úlohy pro zálohování a obnovu, konfigurovat a spravovat úložiště a plánovat spouštění úloh. V druhé části školení se probírá tematika zálohování a obnova aplikačních serverů (Exchange, Sharepoint, SQL), řadičů Cílová skupina Kurz je určen pro systémové administrátory, inženýry, konzultanty, backup operátory a vůbec všechny pracovníky technické podpory, kteří jsou ve svých organizacích zodpovědní za návrh, provedení, optimalizaci a administraci Backup Exec.
DO400 - Red Hat DevOps Pipelines and Processes: CI/CD with Jenkins, Git, and Test Driven Development 13.05.2024 Praha 7 Podobné kurzy Build essential skills to implement agile and DevOps development processes and workflows. DevOps practices have enabled organizations to undergo a digital transformation, moving from a monolithic waterfall approach to a rapidly deploying cloud-based agile process. Audience: This course is designed for application developers.
DO374 - Developing Advanced Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 13.05.2024 Praha 7 Podobné kurzy Advance your Ansible skills and develop automation that scales by applying recommended practices with the new, container focused tools from Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Developing Advanced Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (DO374) is designed for automation content developer Audience This course is designed for users who create automation content, including these roles: Developers DevOps engineers Linux system administrators Other IT professionals with basic expertise using Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform to automate, provision, configure, and deploy
DO457 - Network Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 13.05.2024 Praha 7 Podobné kurzy Ansible for Network Automation (DO457) is designed for network administrators or infrastructure automation engineers who want to use network automation to centrally manage the switches, routers, and other devices in the organization s network infrastructure. This course is based on Red Hat ® Ansibl Audience This course is designed for network administrators, network automation engineers, and infrastructure automation engineers who want to lea> how to use Ansible to automate the administration, deployment, and configuration management of the network infrastructure of their organization or enter
RH134 - Red Hat System Administration II 13.05.2024 Praha 7 Podobné kurzy Build the skills to perform the key tasks needed to become a full-time Linux administrator Red Hat System Administration II (RH134) serves as the second part of the RHCSA training track for IT professionals who have taken Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) . The course goes deeper into core Li Audience This course is geared toward Windows system administrators, network administrators, and other system administrators who are interested in supplementing current skills or backstopping other team members, in addition to Linux system administrators who are responsible for these tasks: Co
Apache Spark for Data Engineers - Advanced Optimizations 16.05.2024 Praha 7 Podobné kurzy Apache Spark je distribuovaný výpočetní engine, který poskytuje unifikovaný framework pro zpracování velkých objemů dat, interaktivní analýzu, machine learning, analýzu grafu a streaming. V průběhu posledních několika let se stává standardem pro zpracování těchto workloadů a to nejen v prostředí ve Cílová skupina: Datový inženýři, scientisti a další uživatelé Sparku, kteří již mají se Sparkem nějakou zkušenost a chtějí se naučit optimalizovat Sparkové joby pro dosažení maximálního výkonu.
ITIL4 Foundation + Exam 21.05.2024 Praha 7 Podobné kurzy The course covers the best practice framework of ITIL 4 at a foundational level. Students lea> about the service value system (SVS), the four dimensions of service management, the service value chain, the 7 guiding principles, and service management practices. Audience Business managers, business process owners, or any business person interfacing with IT organizations Individuals new to ITIL, who require a fundamental overview of the ITIL 4 framework and how to apply service management concepts to create value for customers IT professionals al
ITIL 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value + Exam 27.05.2024 Praha 7 Podobné kurzy The adoption of ITIL as the most widely used guidance in the world on IT and service management continues with ITIL 4. It ensures continuity with existing ways of working (where service management is already successful) by integrating mode> and emerging practices with established and proven know-ho Cílová skupina Senior IT leaders and executives Managers, supervisory staff and team leaders IT professionals who require a deeper understanding of ITIL 4 publications, and how ITIL 4 concepts and activities can be implemented to enhance the quality of IT service management within a
ITIL 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support + Exam 03.06.2024 Praha 7 Podobné kurzy ITIL 4 takes a holistic approach to building and modifying technology-enabled services from demand to value. The Create, Deliver and Support (CDS) course is about utilizing service management, adapting and adopting best practices, and using the ITIL service value system (SVS) framework to facilita Cílová skupina Senior IT leaders and executives Managers, supervisory staff and team leaders IT professionals who require a deeper understanding of the ITIL 4 publications, and how ITIL 4 concepts and activities can be implemented to enhance the quality of IT service management within

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