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Kubernetes základy orchestrace - ICT Pro s.r.o. – Kurzy, školení, konzultace ICT a Soft Skills
Kubernetes for beginners * Kurz seznamuje se základy Kubernetes, open-source platformy pro orchestraci kontejnerů. Vysvětlíme si architekturu Kubernetes a podíváme se na jeho administraci.





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Program kurzu: přeřek

[Školení] AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials

AWS Cloud Practitioner EssentialsThis course is for individuals who seek an overall understanding of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud, independent of specific technical roles. You will lea> about AWS Cloud concepts, AWS services, security, architecture, pricing, and support to build your AWS Cloud knowledge. ... Audience This course is intended for: Sales Legal Marketing Business analysts Project managers AWS Academy students Other IT-related professionals ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Summarize the working definition of AWS Differentiate between on-premises, hybrid-cloud, and all-in cloud Describe the basic global infrastructure of the AWS Cloud Explain the six benefits of the AWS Cloud Describe and provide an example ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Summarize the working definition of AWS Differentiate between on-premises, hybrid-cloud, and all-in cloud Describe the basic global infrastructure of the AWS Cloud Explain the six benefits of the AWS Cloud Describe and provide an example ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-10 Praha 7

[Školení] AWS Cloud Essentials for Business Leaders – Financial Services

AWS Cloud Essentials for Business Leaders – Financial ServicesIn this course, you will lea> the fundamental concepts of cloud computing and how a cloud strategy can help companies in the financial services industries (FSI) meet business objectives. It explores the advantages and possibilities of cloud computing in banking, insurance, capital markets, payments ... Audience This course is intended for: Line of business (LOB) owners Information technology (IT) leaders IT executives ... Goals In this course, you will lea> to: Explain the role of information technology (IT) in an organization for business transformation Explain the customer value proposition for using the cloud in the financial services industry (FSI) Define key characteristics of cloud computing Expl ... Goals In this course, you will lea> to: Explain the role of information technology (IT) in an organization for business transformation Explain the customer value proposition for using the cloud in the financial services industry (FSI) Define key characteristics of cloud computing Expl ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-10 Praha 7

[Školení] Cloud Operations on AWS for APN partners (formerly Systems Operations)

Cloud Operations on AWS for APN partners (formerly Systems Operations)This course teaches systems operators and anyone performing cloud operations functions how to manage and operate automatable and repeatable deployments of networks and systems on AWS. You will lea> about cloud operations functions, such as installing, configuring, automating, monitoring, securing, ... Audience This course is intended for: Systems administrators Software developers, especially those in a DevOps role ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Use standard AWS infrastructure features such as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), and AWS Auto Scaling from the command line Use AWS Cloud       • Formation and ot ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Use standard AWS infrastructure features such as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), and AWS Auto Scaling from the command line Use AWS Cloud       • Formation and ot ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-11 Praha 7

[Školení] ITIL4 Foundation + Exam

ITIL4 Foundation + ExamThe course covers the best practice framework of ITIL 4 at a foundational level. Students lea> about the service value system (SVS), the four dimensions of service management, the service value chain, the 7 guiding principles, and service management practices. ... Audience Business managers, business process owners, or any business person interfacing with IT organizations Individuals new to ITIL, who require a fundamental overview of the ITIL 4 framework and how to apply service management concepts to create value for customers IT professionals al ... ... Business managers, business process owners, or any business person interfacing with IT organizations Individuals new to ITIL, who require a fundamental overview of the ITIL 4 framework and how to apply service management concepts to create value for customers IT professionals already working ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-11 Praha 7

[Školení] Mastering User Stories

Mastering User Stories ... ... ... Kurz Mastering User Stories je ideální pro ty, kteří hledají způsoby, jak efektivně spolupracovat v agilním prostředí. Po absolvování tohoto kurzu budete schopni lépe podpořit vaše týmy v dodávání produktu, který splňuje potřeby vašich zákazníků. ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-12 Praha 7

[Školení] Automatizovaná správa linuxových serverů pomocí Foreman

Automatizovaná správa linuxových serverů pomocí ForemanKurz je určen pro IT administrátory linuxových systémů, kteří chtějí automatizovat běžné činnosti spojené se správou linuxových serverů , jejich údržbou , konfigurací a rozvojem . Během dvou dnů získají účastníci přehled o možnostech využití nástroje Foreman a jeho rozšíření Katello pro kompletní a ... Cílová skupina Kurz je určen IT administrátorům linuxové infrastruktury a chtějí se naučit, jak automatizovat jejich instalaci, správu od konfigurace až po pravidelné patchování, nebo rozšířit své znalosti v této oblasti. ... Cíle kurzu naučit se instalovat nástroj Foreman včetně jeho základních komponent porozumět možnostem automatizované instalace (provisioningu) OS vytvářet šablony pro bezobslužnou instalaci nových systémů RHEL a CentOS (Kickstart) pochopit jak fungují nástroje konfiguračního management ... Cíle kurzu naučit se instalovat nástroj Foreman včetně jeho základních komponent porozumět možnostem automatizované instalace (provisioningu) OS vytvářet šablony pro bezobslužnou instalaci nových systémů RHEL a CentOS (Kickstart) pochopit jak fungují nástroje konfiguračního management ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-13 Praha 7

[Školení] NSE4 FortiGate Security

NSE4 FortiGate SecurityIn this 3-day class, you will lea> how to use basic FortiGate UTM. In interactive labs, you will explore firewall policies, basic VPNs, virus detection, web filtering, application control, user authentication, and more. ... Audience Anyone who is responsible for day-to-day management of a FortiGate appliance. You must master this course before attending FortiGate Infrastructure. ... Goals After completing these courses, you will be able to: Describe capabilities of FortiGate UTM Neutralize threats - misuse: viruses, torrents, and inappropriate web sites Control network access based on device type Authenticate users via firewall policies Offer an SSL VPN for ... Goals After completing these courses, you will be able to: Describe capabilities of FortiGate UTM Neutralize threats - misuse: viruses, torrents, and inappropriate web sites Control network access based on device type Authenticate users via firewall policies Offer an SSL VPN for ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-17 Praha 7

[Školení] NSE6 FortiWeb

NSE6 FortiWebIn this 3-day class, you will lea> to deploy, configure, and troubleshoot Fortinet s web application firewall: FortiWeb. Instructors explain key concepts of web application security, and lead lab exercises where you will explore protection and performance features. ... Audience Anyone who is responsible for day-to-day management of a FortiWeb appliance. ... Goals After completing these modules, you will be able to: Understand application-layer threats Fight defacement & DoS Prevent zero-day attacks without disrupting live traffic Give apps ex post facto compliance with OWASP Top 10 for 2013 & PCI DSS 3. 0 Discover vulnerabilities in y ... Goals After completing these modules, you will be able to: Understand application-layer threats Fight defacement & DoS Prevent zero-day attacks without disrupting live traffic Give apps ex post facto compliance with OWASP Top 10 for 2013 & PCI DSS 3. 0 Discover vulnerabilities in y ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-17 Praha 7

[Školení] Architecting on AWS - for APN partners

Architecting on AWS -  for APN partnersIn this course, you will lea> the fundamentals of building IT infrastructure on the AWS platform. You will lea> how to optimize the AWS Cloud by understanding AWS services and how they fit into cloud-based solutions. ... Audience This course is intended for: Solutions architects Solution design engineers ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Make architectural decisions based on AWS architectural principles and best practices Leverage AWS services to make your infrastructure scalable, reliable, and highly available Leverage AWS Managed Services to enable greater flexibility and res ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Make architectural decisions based on AWS architectural principles and best practices Leverage AWS services to make your infrastructure scalable, reliable, and highly available Leverage AWS Managed Services to enable greater flexibility and res ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-19 Praha 7

[Školení] NSE4 FortiGate II Infrastructure

NSE4 FortiGate II InfrastructureIn this 2-day class, you will lea> advanced FortiGate networking and security. Topics include features commonly in complex or larger enterprise - MSSP networks, such as advanced routing, transparent mode, redundant infrastructure, advanced IPsec VPN, IPS, SSO, data leak prevention, diagnostics, and ... Audience Networking and security professionals involved in the design, implementation, and administration of a security infrastructure using FortiGate appliances. This course assumes knowledge of basic yet FortiGate-specific fundamentals. ... Goals After completing these courses, you will be able to: Deploy FortiGate devices as an HA cluster for fault-tolerance & high performance Inspect traffic transparently, forwarding as a Layer 2 device Manage FortiGate device s route table Route packets using policy-based and static r ... Goals After completing these courses, you will be able to: Deploy FortiGate devices as an HA cluster for fault-tolerance & high performance Inspect traffic transparently, forwarding as a Layer 2 device Manage FortiGate device s route table Route packets using policy-based and static r ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-20 Praha 7

[Školení] AWS Security Essentials

AWS Security Essentials ... ... ... This course is intended for: IT business-level professionals interested in cloud security practices Security professionals with minimal working knowledge of AWS Course Objectives In this course, you will lea> to: Identify security benefits and responsibilities when using the AWS ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-24 Praha 7

[Školení] AWS Cloud Essentials for Business Leaders

AWS Cloud Essentials for Business LeadersIn this course, you will lea> the fundamental concepts of cloud computing and how a cloud strategy can help companies meet business objectives. It explores the advantages and possibilities of cloud computing. ... ... Goals In this course, you will lea> to: Explain the role of information technology (IT) in an organization for business transformation Explain the customer value proposition for using the cloud across industries Define key characteristics of cloud computing Explain the cloud business ... Goals In this course, you will lea> to: Explain the role of information technology (IT) in an organization for business transformation Explain the customer value proposition for using the cloud across industries Define key characteristics of cloud computing Explain the cloud business ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-24 Praha 7

[Školení] NSE6 FortiMail

NSE6 FortiMailIn this 2-day instructor-led classroom or online class, you will lea> how to deploy, use, & troubleshoot Fortinet s secure messaging gateway: FortiMail . The course begins by analyzing email security challenges that organizations face. ... Audience Anyone who is responsible for day-to-day management of a FortiMail appliance. ... Goals After completing these modules, you will be able to: Integrate FortiMail with FortiSandbox Use FortiMail flexibly &emdash; for secure webmail and calendar, a shield for Microsoft Exchange, or as an ISP for clean pipes Deploy HA & redundant infrastructure for ultimate uptime of miss ... Goals After completing these modules, you will be able to: Integrate FortiMail with FortiSandbox Use FortiMail flexibly &emdash; for secure webmail and calendar, a shield for Microsoft Exchange, or as an ISP for clean pipes Deploy HA & redundant infrastructure for ultimate uptime of miss ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-24 Praha 7

[Školení] SELinux - bezpečnost v linuxu

SELinux -  bezpečnost v linuxuSELinux se stal integrální součástí linuxového jádra již před delší dobou, avšak vztah systémových administrátorů k možnostem jeho využití zůstává rezervovaný. Na druhé straně se mnohdy hledá řešení bezpečnostních problémů a požadavků složitějšími cestami, zatímco elegantní a snadná řešení na úrovn ... Cílová skupina Kurs je určen především pro zájemce z oblastí, kde vysoká úroveň zabezpečení systémů, auditování a striktně distribuovaný přístup k informacím jsou nutnou podmínkou, především pro: systémové architekty systémové administrátory bezpečnostní manažery a administrátory bezp ... ... Kurs je určen především pro zájemce z oblastí, kde vysoká úroveň zabezpečení systémů, auditování a striktně distribuovaný přístup k informacím jsou nutnou podmínkou, především pro: systémové architekty systémové administrátory bezpečnostní manažery a administrátory bezpečnostní audito ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-24 Praha 7

[Školení] Správa přístupů windows10 - 11 v prostředí 365

Správa přístupů windows10 - 11 v prostředí 365Kurz se zaměřuje na správu a zabezpečení identit a zařízení v prostředí Active Directory a Azure Active Directory, zahrnující Kerberos, synchronizaci, hybridní připojení a Single Sign-On. Dále pokrývá instalaci a správu zařízení pomocí Intune, nasazení pomocí Autopilot, a řízení zabezpečení zařízen ... Cílová skupina IT administrátoři SW architekti Cíl kurzu Seznámení se s řešením Microsoftu – jak spravovat přístupy ke zdrojům, zařízení a uživatelské účty v cloudu se zaměřením na počítače s OS Windows 11. Seznámení se s Entra ID (dříve Azure Active Directory), synchronizace účt ... ... IT administrátoři SW architekti Cíl kurzu Seznámení se s řešením Microsoftu – jak spravovat přístupy ke zdrojům, zařízení a uživatelské účty v cloudu se zaměřením na počítače s OS Windows 11. Seznámení se s Entra ID (dříve Azure Active Directory), synchronizace účtů a hesel mezi Active ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-24 Praha 7

[Školení] Migrating to AWS

Migrating to AWSMigrating to AWS focuses on planning and migrating existing workloads to the AWS Cloud. The course covers various cloud migration strategies with a detailed discussion on each phase of the migration process, including portfolio discovery, application migration planning and design, migration executi ... Audience This course is intended for: Solutions architects Software engineers IT project managers Operation leads Other individuals involved in the planning and running of migration projects ... Goals This course teaches you how to: Explain the various cloud migration strategies Assess cloud migration readiness Discover your portfolio and plan for migration Plan and design your application migration strategy Perform and validate application migration to the cloud Optimi ... Goals This course teaches you how to: Explain the various cloud migration strategies Assess cloud migration readiness Discover your portfolio and plan for migration Plan and design your application migration strategy Perform and validate application migration to the cloud Optimi ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-25 Praha 7

[Školení] Running Containers on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)

Running Containers on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)Amazon EKS makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install, operate, and maintain your own Kubernetes control plane. In this course, you will lea> container management and orchestration for Kubernetes using Amazon EKS. ... Audience This course is intended for: Cloud developers IT operations staff DevOps engineers Technical decision makers ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Explain the challenges of scaling microservice architectures at the enterprise level Describe the basic concepts and terminology of Kubernetes Configure EKS to manage the Kubernetes management infrastructure Differentiate between AWS Fargate ... Goals In this course, you will lea> how to: Explain the challenges of scaling microservice architectures at the enterprise level Describe the basic concepts and terminology of Kubernetes Configure EKS to manage the Kubernetes management infrastructure Differentiate between AWS Fargate ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-06-25 Praha 7

[Školení] Veritas NetBackup Appliances 5: Configuration and Management

Veritas NetBackup Appliances 5: Configuration and ManagementThe Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1.2: Configuration and Management course is designed for the IT Professional who is new to appliances and is responsible for configuring the 5330 and 5240 appliances, performing appliance maintenance tasks, operating and managing the appliance and troubleshooting t ... Audience This course is for customers and partners new to appliances and front-line technical support personnel who are responsible for configuring the 5330 and 5240 appliances, performing appliance maintenance tasks, operating and managing the appliance and troubleshooting the appliance. ... Goals By the completion of this course, you will be able to: Describe key components of the NetBackup Appliances hardware and software. Configure the NetBackup Appliance. ... Goals By the completion of this course, you will be able to: Describe key components of the NetBackup Appliances hardware and software. Configure the NetBackup Appliance. ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-07-01 Praha 7

[Školení] Obsluha motorové pily

Obsluha motorové pilyCertifikovaný profesní rekvalifikační kurz Kurz je určen zájemcům o zaměstnání v oblasti práce s motorovou řetězovou pilou (jak elektrickou, tak benzínovou). Absolvent tedy bude připraven pro činnost na pozici samostatného pracovníka obsluhy motorové řetězové pily včetně jejich údržby. ... ... ... Certifikovaný profesní rekvalifikační kurz Kurz je určen zájemcům o zaměstnání v oblasti práce s motorovou řetězovou pilou (jak elektrickou, tak benzínovou). Absolvent tedy bude připraven pro činnost na pozici samostatného pracovníka obsluhy motorové řetězové pily včetně jejich údržby. ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-07-29 Zbiroh

[Školení] Veritas Enterprise Vault 14.1: Administration

Veritas Enterprise Vault 14.1: AdministrationThe Veritas Enterprise Vault Administration I course is designed for system administrators tasked with operating, integrating, and monitoring the day-to-day performance of Enterprise Vault within a Microsoft Exchange environment. This five-day, instructor-led, hands-on class covers Enterprise Vault ... Audience This course is for system administrators, system engineers, technical support personnel, and system integration - development staff who are responsible for installing, operating, or integrating Enterprise Vault within their Exchange environment. ... Goals By the end of this course, you will be able to: Describe the purpose and benefits of Enterprise Vault. Navigate the Administration Console. ... Goals By the end of this course, you will be able to: Describe the purpose and benefits of Enterprise Vault. Navigate the Administration Console. ... Nejbližší termín školení : 2024-08-05 Praha 7

Doporučené související školení/kurzy : přeřek

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Články:Vzdělávání dospělích  Online kurzy - kurzy

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Email: info[at]skoleni-kurzy.eu
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V případě dotazu ke kurzu využijte prosím kontaktní formulář u daného konkrétního kurzu

Školení: Interní auditor ISO 22000 [HACCP] v červnu 2024 - Plzeň